Monday, July 10, 2017

Well the air is a little different! 07-10-2017

Hola Familia!!!!

Ok so I'm transferred. I got moved up to Cajamarca and that is about 8 hours away from Trujillo. The only difference really is that its green here and that its really really really cold and the people and the culture is different. So basically its a lot different then Trujillo. But I like it. 

This last week we were teaching an investigator named Wilmer and he said something pretty nifty that I liked. he said 

¨Never take a step back, even to gain momentum, everything forward¨

I really liked this because its what I've got to do right now. My new area is huge and the members here don't trust the sister missionaries very much, and so my goal right now is to gain their trust and then show them that every missionary is a good missionary. Yes they have their faults but every single one is working for the same cause!

We have been contacting and teaching like crazy this last week and honestly I feel like we are gonna get their trust real soon. But sadly these people have more trust in the missionaries that have baptisms so we are gonna work to help more people enter the waters of baptism. People here are really close we are just helping them get over their fears!!!!

I'm never gonna take a step back , I'm just gonna keep going!!!!!!

Anyways I hope you all have a great week, thank you so much for all the love and support!!!!
Love Hermana McNamara 😝 

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