Monday, July 3, 2017

Wait what?!?!?

Hola familia!!!!

Ok ok ok so I have got a pretty cool experience from this last week. 
So Tuesday we didn't really have a lot of appointments so we were like hey lets go find some of the old investigators from the area book. So we made a bunch of plans to go find a guy named Luis Enrique, a guy named Julio and a girl name Ganela and two more people. SO when we were walking to go find these people we met a guy in the street and he was out walking with his 1 year old son and I was like ¨ I'm gonna contact him and give his family the gospel¨ so being sneaky like usually I commented ¨oh how cute is your baby!! How old is he and he answered so that started the contact and we got to work getting to know him and we ending up going in the same direction! And he was like, well my sons name is Santiago and when we were about to leave he was like oh and my name is Luis Enrique and I live at this address...... I almost had a heart attack! So we set up an appointment for the next day and after he left I went flying through my agenda looking for the direction I had put down for the Luis Enrique that we had planned to visit and it was the exact same person!!!!!! Wait what?!?!?! ya but wait there is more to this destiny story. The next day we went to the appointment and we got talking with him about the Book of Mormon and he remembered a lot!!!!  Not only that but 2 days before we met him he had been taking with a friend in England and she was like well if you really want to know if the Book of Mormon is true read a part of it and pray about it! Then two days later we met him!!! And he told us. ¨I wasn't going to leave with my son, and I had no reason to cross the street to cross paths with you guys but honestly I feel like this was destiny....¨and I was just like Brother you have no idea how prepared you are for this message!!! 
IT was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazing!!!!!! and was definitely the work of God! 

Guys God is preparing people to hear the gospel message and its so amazing!!!!! 

OK literally when I was writing this first part of my email I got a phone call that I'm getting transferred this week so next week I'll be writing you from freezing cold Cajamarca......
Well I will have a ton of adventures to tell you about this next week.
Love you all so much!!!!
Love Hermana McNamara

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